Application geared towards town councils to facilitate the planning, development and monitoring of municipal works

Ctrl+A is an application for the planning, development
and monitoring of municipal works.
Ctrl+A is an application geared towards town councils.
It provides key information for the council to take decisions and to optimise available resources. It provides an automated expense order approval system that guarantees management control and transparency.
Facilitates the planning, development and monitoring of municipal works, maintenance and services.
The application also covers the entire project management process and allocation of all associated costs.
It monitors in real time the project-related costs and their nature (costs of materials, vehicles, machinery and labour), as well as the money invested in each place and district, and the budget item to which they correspond.

Ctrl+A will improve the service that your council offers to citizens.
Tracking and monitoring the costs of each maintenance project or service performed and the investment made in each area.

The image on the left gives an overview of the product.

As shown in the diagram, the core of the application is the Project Order, as this will round up all the costs that will be associated with the project through the other components.

This way, costs of materials are allocated by approving the Expense Order, whilst labour costs and vehicle/machinery costs will be charged to the Work Report.

All this allows real-time monitoring of the resources being used by a project, as well as the money invested in each place and district, and the budget item to which they correspond.

Find out more about Ctrl+A

What can you do with Ctrl+A?

Receipt of incidents and/or faults in public facilities and services reported by citizens or officially identified and filed by the council itself.

Management of technical staff.

Creation of expense orders and project orders.

Approval of expense orders and issue of orders for materials needed to carry out the project.

Project management: allocation of labour costs (through daily work reports informing of the work done by each worker on each project), costs of materials (automatically assigned via the expense orders) and costs of vehicles/machinery (charged through the daily work reports).

Reports the status of any project underway (started/paused/completed) and all relevant information about it (start date, timeframe, allocated budget items, costs incurred).

Provides key information for the council to take decisions and to optimise resources.


Fully customised to the real needs of councils, as it covers both administrative and functional requirements.

Meets all administrative requirements (approval of expenses and allocation of budget items, preparation of daily work reports, monitoring of orders, etc.) and facilitates document management.

The application covers the entire project management process and allocation of all associated costs.

Management of users and permits. Users can only access information that concerns them, depending on the role they play within the technical office.

Provides key information for decision-making, because as processes are carried out, the costs are added on a project, town and district level.

Contact with us
C⁄ Rui Pérez 4,3ºB
33401 Avilés, Asturias
(+34) 984 833 903

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